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Dmg Magic Item Table F

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by ranrodenocisa 2021. 6. 4. 05:23


I have searched and searched for them, but so far had not seen the DMG loot tables anywhere. So, I decided to create the random loot tables myself. If this has already been done, I apologize for duplicating this. I do not have it all completed yet. I have the basic tables from individual and hoard loot of all the different challenge ratings. I only have been able to get Magic Item Tables A through G in. Once I complete, I will upload and share my tables for anyone who wants.
Also, is there a way to get a table result to auto-roll a NdN times on another table? If there is, I would love to know. So far I can only get it to do 1 new roll, which means the DM then has to figure out if there are more rolls to be made and manually roll off the table for the additional rolls.
Also, way down the road, I may add in every magic item as well, but currently I am only adding in the stuff my group finds for their use. There are tons, and I am sure you understand. I will add files once I get the rest of the Magic Item Tables completed.
Dmg magic item table f test

Dmg Magic Item Tables 5th Edition

Armor and Shields. To determine the magical item found, roll for the type of armor on Table 105 and then the magical adjustment on Table 106. If a Special armor is found, roll for the type on Table 107. Magic Item Table F. Sentinel shield. Amulet of proof against detection and location. Boots of elvenkind. Boots of striding and springing. Bracers of archery. Brooch of shielding. Broom of flying. Cloak of elvenkind. Cloak of protection. Gauntlets of ogre power. Hat of disguise. Javelin of lightning. Pearl of power. Rod of the pact keeper, +1. Just use it exactly the same way you'd use the default Magic Item Table A in the DMG. The more astute of you might notice that 2nd level spell scrolls and greater potions of healing aren't present in this table. Simply put, to fit this much stuff in I had to make some sacrifices. Strands of golden chains, stacks of platinum coins, bejeweled crowns, enameled scepters, bolts of silk cloth, and powerful magic items all wait to be seized or unearthed by intrepid, treasure-seeking adventurers. Chapter 7 of the DMG details magic items and the placement of treasure in an adventure. Jan 22, 2019  Magic Item Table B. Potion of greater healing (Potion, uncommon) 8 TCPs 8 TCPs or 100gp (available for Tiers 1 – 4 earned TCPs) Consider saving 6 TCPs by converting 2 TCPs to 100 gold pieces then buy the potion, DMG p187. Potion of fire breath (Potion, uncommon) 8 TCPs (available for Tiers 1 – 4 earned TCPs).

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